A nice studio space

Courtesy of the good folks over at JetsonGreen.com, we'd like to highlight one one the components of our dream project -- custom built artist studios.

A vintage motorcycle builder named Alan Stulberg has created a rather nice container studio for himself. Down in Austin, his single-cell space has quite the nice look. Stocked with couches, video screens, a huge sliding door and a lot of large windows, this space is more than most artists could wish for ...and did I mention, it's in his backyard!

Acording to JetsOnGreen, "Stulberg used plasma cutters for the openings and finished the space with soy-based foam insulation, sanded plywood, Homasote recycled paper, and a ductless mini-split air conditioner and heater.  Like the door, Stulberg built the box lights himself which take low-output halogens." In another words, recycling was definitely at the forefront of his efforts.

So with that, we'd like to send a simple "Great job!" to Alan. This is one of the more impressive single-person-built studio spaces we've stumbled upon. Hopefully his hard work is paying off for him right about now.

Also, as an FYI: We're officially following Alan's blog-posts about his space over at http://shippingcontainerstudio.blogspot.com/ and encourage you to do the same if you find this interesting. Plus, he considers himself a "Fashionista," so he may have a lot more to offer than this space shows.


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