Daniel Brown's curating project at the Weston Art Gallery features five Cincinnati painters who explore narrative themes through figurative subjects. The show includes five friends and colleagues who all attended the University of Cincinnati's College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning.
Robert Anderson, Daniel O'Connor, Tim Parsley,
Emil Robinson and Tina Tommaro represent a look into what Brown suggests is "the makings of a new Cincinnati school."
After observing the 40 plus paintings in the exhibition, one thing that becomes clear is that these artists are distinctive. The paint handling and compositions are clearly different takes on the observed world.
Daniel O'Connor stands out as the most relevant painters of the group. The collection of works present a theatre of mundane life as a cluttered presentation. O'Connor's compositions contrast the group of painters, by the complexity of elements in the arrangements. In the world of art trends, painters are often forced to simplify. Thankfully O'Conner goes against the grain of minimalism and has the guts to say that life is filled with stuff and creates paintings that celebrate a less idealized existence. The imagery is stuffed full with books, shelves, tables, blankets, and couches. Figures fill the compositions in unusual ways, often presented in a juxtaposition between two figures or portions of the figure. The open compositions look into an intimate environment, appearing to be a more appropriate reflection of the times.
Daniel O'Connor's group of paintings are all about the paint. It is refreshing to see the material dance on the surface and it is easy to see that Daniel is interested in what the material's do. In these paintings there is no need for an even blend, nor to shy away from the palette knife. The paint is thick and juicy, layered to perfection. Approaching O'Connor's painting is recommended.
Narrative Figuration runs from March 25 - June 5, 2001 at
Image Top: Daniel O'Connor, Four Feet of Spring, Oil on Linen, 52.5"x51", 2009
Image Bottom: Daniel O'Connor, Dear God, Thank You for Friends, Oil on Linen, 43"x53.5", 2009